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Data is generated at every patient encounter

Our algorithms make sense of it to give you increased
capacity, utilization, quality, ... 

Let AI work for you

Volume Predictor

Predict patient volume and acuity for the next 4 - 24 hours: Manage operations before they happen - Increase  the level of service while decreasing cost

Length Of Stay Predictor

Proactively manage patient LOS with real time clinical data input: Deploy resources to where they are needed - Increase quality & reduce excess patient days

Schedule Optimizer

Increase capacity by letting AI design your custom dynamic patient schedule: Increase capacity while keeping labor costs stagnant


Volume Predictor

Business Objective:

Decrease labor cost while increasing clinical quality 

How It Works:

Our algorithms take into account multiple factors unique to your operation with data integrated and analyzed real time to provide the projected volume and CMI for the next 4-24 hours. 


Compare predicted patient volumes against existing staffing capacity to identify mismatches in resource 


Length Of Stay Predictor

Business Objective: 

Highlight expected patient LOS exceeding target patient days to proactively reduce excess days 


How It Works: 

Real time clinical data including patient diagnostic values, patient demographics and diagnosis specific characteristics are taken into account to predict LOS dynamically at time of admit and continuously  

Quickly identify all patients that are predicted to go beyond target LOS days so your care management teams can proactively manage the condition


Schedule Optimizer

Business Objective: 

Increase capacity per day and asset utilization while keeping labor cost stagnant


How It Works: 

Our algorithms take into account facility, utilization patterns, patient and procedure volumes, times and provider performance in addition to other factors to create optimized schedules

Our easy to use visual dashboards provide your scheduler with AI driven dynamic templates that guide the decision making process for patient scheduling for optimized efficiency and capacity utilization

Connect Your Data

We start by connecting your facility and operation data to our models 

Train AI With Your Data

We then train our algorithms with your data to make it tailor made for your operation

Design Custom Visualizations 

We work with you to design the look and feel of how the analytics are shown to you

Integrate Into Your Operation

We then integrate all the analytics into your existing facility processes & operation

Data Alone Is Never Enough..

Business Meeting

Data alone does not change operations or get results.  We work with you to integrate the analytics and predictive intelligence into your operation.  Our commercialization is designed to ensure results for you so that you can see actual change. 

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