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The Readmission Reduction Module 

Decrease Readmissions | Improve Post-Discharge Care | Increase Efficiency

The Challenge

Many hospitals face a significant challenge due to insufficiently managed post-discharge care and the inability to predict which patients are at risk of readmission before they are discharged. This strains the already LIMITED CAPACITY of the inpatient unit and results in a waste of millions of pounds annually in terms of physical, human, and financial resources.

The Solution – inspiRE

Sach inspiRE unleashes the trapped capacity in the inpatient unit by leveraging comprehensive historical clinical data and applying advanced machine learning algorithms combined with artificial intelligence that can continuously adapt and learn on its own. It uses predictive and prescriptive analytics to generate accurate predictions for a proactive, post-discharge care with real-time insights!

Predictions for all the patients prior to discharge

To reduce readmission rates 

Predicts patients who

are likely to be readmitted before discharged from the facility

To allow coordinated planning by the hospital/ general physician/ family physician/ outpatient care

Predicts when the

patient will readmit 


The Visualisations

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